Graduate Therapist Internship

Unlocking Your Potential in the World of Counseling

The intern positions for the 2024 cohort have been filled. For inquiries regarding intern positions for the 2025 cohort, please reach out starting in August 2024.

Are you an aspiring therapist ready to take your first steps into the world of counseling and psychotherapy?

If so, our Graduate Therapist Internship program is an exciting opportunity that can set you on the path to a fulfilling career in a private practice setting.

What is the Graduate Therapist Internship?

Our Graduate Therapist Internship is a unique and immersive training program designed to provide you with hands-on experience, professional supervision, and the skills needed for a successful career in the world of counseling and psychotherapy. This comprehensive program aims to prepare you to become a competent, compassionate, and effective therapist, especially in a private practice.

The internship spans a minimum of 15 months, during which you will be placed in a 20-hour per week position, immersing you in the daily workings of a private practice. This experience includes managing a caseload of 10 direct client contact hours each week (with 12 hours of availability). You'll also participate in 1-2 hours of supervision, 1 hour of group consultation, and 5 hours dedicated to administrative tasks such as documentation, training, marketing, and new client consultations.

How the Graduate Therapist Internship Can Help You

Our Graduate Therapist Internship is uniquely positioned to offer you various advantages:

  • Practical Experience:

    You'll have the invaluable opportunity to work directly with clients and apply your academic knowledge in a real-world, private practice setting. This hands-on experience is crucial in developing the practical skills essential for a successful career.

  • Supervision and Guidance:

    We provide dedicated supervision and guidance, ensuring you have the support needed to build your clinical competence, ethical practice, and expertise in running a private practice.

  • Personal and Professional Growth:

    Our program is dedicated to nurturing your abilities and preparing you to excel as a therapist in a private practice setting, fostering your growth both personally and professionally.

Who Can Benefit from the Graduate Therapist Internship?

Our program is ideally suited for:

  • Graduate Students:

    If you're currently pursuing a master's or doctoral degree in clinical psychology, counseling psychology, marriage and family therapy, mental health counseling, clinical social work, or an equivalent field, this internship provides the perfect opportunity to complement your academic knowledge with practical experience in a private practice.

  • Private Practice Enthusiasts:

    If you aspire to operate your own private practice, our program offers insights into the day-to-day operations, documentation, marketing, and client care unique to this setting.

What to Expect from the Graduate Therapist Internship

During your time with us, you can expect:

  • Comprehensive Training:

    A structured and comprehensive training program that ensures you are well-prepared to launch a career in a private practice setting.

  • Quality Supervision:

    Regular supervision sessions to discuss your cases, receive feedback, and refine your skills with the guidance of experienced professionals who have extensive experience in private practice.

  • Diverse Clinical Experience:

    Exposure to a wide range of clinical experiences, helping you build the skills necessary to provide effective care in a private practice.

Benefits of the Graduate Therapist Internship

Participating in our Graduate Therapist Internship program provides numerous potential benefits:

  • Confidence:

    Gain confidence in your clinical abilities, ensuring you provide effective and evidence-based care to your future clients in a private practice.

  • Ethical Foundation:

    Develop a strong ethical foundation and maintain the trust and well-being of your clients in your private practice, thereby building a solid reputation.

  • Personal and Professional Growth:

    Grow both personally and professionally, enhancing your self-awareness, resilience, and compassion as you prepare for a fulfilling career in a private practice setting.

Find the Right Fit for You

Understanding that each therapist's journey is unique. Join our Graduate Therapist Internship program, where you can embark on a fulfilling journey toward becoming a competent, compassionate, and ethical therapist with a particular focus on operating a private practice. We look forward to being a part of your professional development and your path to success in a private practice setting.